Sunday, December 4, 2011

OH WOW Never thought it would happen to us....

but it did.. because we rent we knew it could happen at any time. The farm we currently rent was sold at auction Dec 1st.. and we have been given until Jan 31 to vacate.. an no at the moment we have no idea were we are going.. I am forced to sell most if not all of my animals and that in itself is a killer to me.. i'd much rather sell all contents in the house and keep my beloved goaties .. but we all know that is not logical.. which way do i go, which way do i go.. I don't know. about all we can do is to put this mess in God's hands and allow him to lead us through to greener pastures ..

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo sorry!! Praying that God will work this out for good!
